What families have said about us:

“It is rare to encounter people like you, who in both their words and deeds, really care about young people. The world is in your debt.”

“M, you have been so wonderful to W, and to us. I think of all the time you spent getting him through the tough moments, never giving up on him, cheering him along, helping him see he could do this (or that), teaching him strategies for producing quality work, of whatever stripe. I think of all the extra time you spent with us, by phone and email and face to face. We have all, W and parents, been very lucky to have you on our side. Thanks to you, W leaves well-armed with tools for tackling his work in high school, and beyond. You are a gem.”

“Your work with our daughter these last four years have been enormously helpful. You taught her how to learn, helped her achieve while guiding her in developing effective study strategies to succeed. The skills you gave her will last a lifetime. Thank you for your good work.”

“M helped my son be a successful high school student with her expert tutorial skills. She is a warm, enthusiastic, flexible, generous teacher who helped him develop strategies to approach challenging assignments . She helped him develop organizational skills. She capitalized on his strengths, encouraged him and give him confidence to be a consistent honor roll student.  She accomplished this always with good a great sense of humor and patience.”